Local Flap Reconstruction
(i.e. Mohs Defects)
Local flap reconstruction surgery is a procedure that aims to repair damage or defects on the body by transferring living skin and tissue from one part of the body to cover and mend a nearby wound. This surgical technique is often used for treating various types of cancers, such as skin cancer. After the cancerous tissue is surgically excised, a local flap is created with the healthy tissue near the wound, which is then used to reconstruct the damaged area of the body. Local flaps can be used to repair and restore disfigurements located on the head and neck.
Once the surgery is successfully completed, the appearance and function of the treated area will be mostly restored. Because the transferred tissue (along with its native blood supply) is taken from the area immediately adjacent to the wound, full recovery should produce a natural-looking result that closely matches the patient's original appearance.